
By Juan Cordon

Make the "Panels" yourself

Here is the realization

Mouse over the Picture and clic to see the different descriptions

mcp efis2 efis2 autobrake2 dusL&R dusL&R Ileft3 Ileft3 IRIGHT3 IRIGHT3 Firepanel bus trans fp vhf vhf nav nav audiojc audiojc HF HF ADF clockL standby clockR test test fmc fmc fmc airL airR landgr pressure angear light1 light2 light3 lockRight lockLeft isovalve upper pnue irs drive pressure hydpump press_pnl nosmok eqpcool ovhLGT lediv fltctrl navdispl lowvalv upper ai metpanel speaker oxygn elt comm panel eecpan recorder staltest stabtrim door annunciator CVR throttle detect1 trim audiojc flood xpndr selcal mde warn annunciator warn annunciator Interphone service Dome White

Here is a tutorial for making the panels, this is the most economical solution


Copyright © 2018 Juan Cordon

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